"The elegance of our dance is the same as that of our spirit!"
NATURALLY TANGO’s principal objective is to promote the diffusion and the growth of the authentic Argentine tango in its contemporary version, while preserving its natural identity as well as the emotion that characterises it, in all its cultural, artistic and social expression.
As a dance, the tango is an elegant, romantic and distinguished social dance, which includes courtesy, personality and communication. The harmony and the naturalness of the movements are essential values in the quality of its dance. Its embrace is unique, being considered as the symbol of the genre. Its charm and sensuality place the tango in the avant-garde of the social dances internationally.
As a culture, the tango presents us its fascinating history, music, poetry and philosophy, written by its great artists. Understanding what we dance, what we hear or what we see, completely changes the experience, making it complete and much more rich and pleasurable. The ways to learn to dance are many, but the way to dance naturally with the heart is a beautiful life lesson!